All incoming students ages 9 and up should be placed prior to enrolling. New students can attend 1 free open class (ages 12+) in the summer for placement purposes or a separate placement class (ages 9+) when scheduled. Ages 9-10 can enroll in the Daisies level without placement, but should take a placement class to be considered for Lilies if they have prior experience.

Students who leave Doxa but return after one or more semesters (not including summers) will need to be reevaluated for placement upon re-entry to the program.

If you need placement, please email doxadanceministry@gmail.com


All options below can be found in the Parent Portal under Register for Classes.


Best option for dancers 12+, choose one open class to attend. Email us if you need help choosing which level class to take.


Best option for dancers 9-11 or beginners 12+, enroll in a summer camp during which teachers will evaluate you for season placement.


Next class: July 30, 2022

10 - 10:45 am | Ages 9-12

10:45 - 11:45 am | Ages 13+


The vast majority of new students begin in the Nurture Pathway. This pathway allows students time to acclimate to the Doxa expectations and experience prior to having additional responsibilities. Students who are highly motivated to pursue Cultivate Pathway options will demonstrate a consistently hardworking attitude, stellar attendance, and attention to dress code; such efforts will be noticed by their teachers.

Nurture Pathway Levels are determined by age at season start date (the first Tuesday after Labor Day). Sometimes exceptions are made for September birthdays; an age exception must be requested by email.

Many students will have birthdays during the year which make them older than the starting age for their class, but they will not change levels until the following season (school year). Students are only very rarely placed above their age level which is strictly at the instructor's discretion with permission of the director.

If you have a concern about your child's placement, particularly if you think they would do better in a younger class, please let us know. We want to ensure every child is in a class where they will succeed.


Cultivate Pathway Levels require placement. Work ethic, classroom etiquette including respect shown to teachers and others, the ability to pick up and retain choreography, technical execution, and mental fortitude are all elements that are considered when placing students.

A minimum of two technique classes per week are required in Cultivate, and as the levels progress, more requirements are added.

Students who are new to Doxa but have received advanced training elsewhere can request a level placement for Cultivate. Summer Open Classes are the best time to be evaluated prior to a new season beginning.

Advancement within the Cultivate Pathway is by recommendation of the instructor (based on written evaluations) in conference with the director. Adjustments mid-year to leveling (up or down) will be made if it is determined to be in the student's and class' best interests by the instructor.


Doxa provides pointe foundations (pre-pointe) and pointe classes separate from technique classes. These classes are all by placement only. Advanced levels (Violets & Orchids) take one of their technique class on pointe per week.

Previous placement on pointe at another studio does not guarantee approval for pointe at Doxa. Please do not purchase pointe shoes before being informed by Doxa that your dancer has been approved for pointe instruction.